After growing up around construction and real estate investing, Ashley settled down in Charlotte. After renovating and owning long term rentals in the Charlotte area, Ashley transitioned her rental strategy to short term rentals as a way to create an experience for the customer based off of her learnings, while also keeping her passion for design at heart.
Soon, she realized there a huge need in creating an experience for the guest (in addition to a clean and comfy place to stay). After hosting both short term and midterm rentals, Ashley transitioned her strategy to staging and managing 80+ rentals in the Charlotte, NC area.

Today with her team, Ashley has designed and consulted with over 100+ hosts nationally to improve their short term and midterm rentals.

Ashley Class

Each home is different, each client is different. The aspirations of the client change the design needs. A short term rental needs to be designed in a way that feels like a guest's home away from home without it being tailored to one person's taste. A home itself should be personalized to feel like someone's personal oasis. I'm inspired by designers that use the natural elements of the home to turn the ordinary into extraordinary. Homes that aren't just leveled, but have historical features that can be renewed and modernized.

The Philosophy